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Shaken Fist supports online upgrades natively -- when an object is read from etcd that is an old version, the object is upgraded silently to the newest version. If all nodes in your cluster are running a version of Shaken Fist which supports this newest version, the upgraded object is then written back to etcd. If not all nodes in the cluster support the new version, the new version is simply used in memory by the node which did the upgrade. This means it is safe to perform a rollout across a cluster without downtime, although you might see small transient failures such as single API requests failing as processes restart.

You should note however that "all nodes" includes nodes in non-running states such as ERROR and MISSING. The only state which is excluded from the check is DELETED. Therefore, in order for online upgrades to work correctly, it is important that you delete nodes in an ERROR or MISSING state that you are confident will not return to the cluster. This is because nodes can return from ERROR or MISSING at the end of planned maintenance, and might be running and older version of Shaken Fist upon their return than other members of the cluster.

Upgrade process

First off, upgrade the python packages in each node's virtualenv manually. This is explicitly a non-goal of our installer tooling as we believe different deployments will have different strategies for performing this step. Naively, a good first approach is simple to run this command on each node:

sudo /srv/shakenfist/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade shakenfist

Which will pull in all the relevant other python packages it requires.

Then simply re-run getsf as you did when you first installed and the cluster will upgrade.