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Nodes (/nodes/)

Nodes are how Shaken Fist models the hypervisors that actually run your virtual machines. They're a little unusual, as we use the host name to track the object instead of an assigned UUID. Nodes are an administrative-only object, not available to other users of Shaken Fist.


For a detailed reference on the state machine for nodes, see the developer documentation on object states.

Node lifecycle

Nodes cannot be created via the API, instead nodes are created by installing Shaken Fist on a machine and having that machine join a Shaken Fist cluster. However, you can delete a node via API and that will cause the machine to delete all the instances running and stop accepting new work.

REST API calls
Python API client: get details for a node
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
n = sf_client.get_node('sf-1')
print(json.dumps(n, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Python API client: list all nodes
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
n = sf_client.get_nodes()
print(json.dumps(n, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

Other network information

We can also request other information for a network. For example, we can list the nodes's network interfaces, or the events for the network. See the user guide for a general introduction to the Shaken Fist event system.

REST API calls
Python API client: list events for a node
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
events = sf_client.get_node_events('sf-1')
print(json.dumps(events, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

Note that events are returned in reverse chronological order and are limited to the 100 most recent events.

        "duration": null,
        "extra": {
            "cpu_available": 12,
            "cpu_load_1": 2.0,
            "cpu_load_15": 1.85,
            "cpu_load_5": 1.87,
            "cpu_max": 12,
            "cpu_max_per_instance": 16,
            "cpu_total_instance_cpu_time": 235110000000,
            "cpu_total_instance_vcpus": 1,
            "disk_free": 376334815232,
        "fqdn": "sf-1",
        "message": "updated node resources and package versions",
        "timestamp": 1685475323.252612,
        "type": "resources"


All objects exposed by the REST API may have metadata associated with them. This metadata is for storing values that are of interest to the owner of the resources, not Shaken Fist. Shaken Fist does not attempt to interpret these values at all, with the exception of the instance affinity metadata values. The metadata store is in the form of a key value store, and a general introduction is available in the user guide.

REST API calls
Python API client: set metadata on a node
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
sf_client.set_node_metadata_item(net_uuid, 'foo', 'bar')
Python API client: get metadata for a node
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
md = sf_client.get_node_metadata(net_uuid)
print(json.dumps(md, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Python API client: delete metadata for a node
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
sf_client.delete_node_metadata_item(net_uuid, 'foo')