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Network Interfaces (/interfaces/)

Network Interfaces (known as just "interfaces" in the REST API), are the object which ties an instance to the networks it is present on. There is a 1:1 mapping between network interface objects and NICs inside an instance, such that an instance with multiple interfaces on the same network would have two network interface objects associated with it.

To lookup the network interfaces for an instance, use the GET /instances/{instance_ref}/interfaces API call as documented in the instance documentation.


For a detailed reference on the state machine for network interfaces, see the developer documentation on object states.

Fetching information about a network interface

As with other objects in the Shaken Fist REST API, you can fetch the details for a network interface from the REST API.

REST API calls
Python API client: fetch interface details
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
iface = sf_client.get_interface('b1981e81-b37a-4176-ba37-b61bc7208012')
print(json.dumps(iface, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Python API client: fetch details for a network interface associated with an instance

Note that the interface details for an instance wont be populated until the instance has started being created on the hypervisor node. Specifically, this can be some time later if an image needs to be fetched from the Internet and transcoded. Therefore in this example we wait for the instance to be created before displaying interface details.

import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient
import time

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
i = sf_client.create_instance(
        'example', 1, 1024, None,
            'size': 20,
            'base': 'debian:11',
            'bus': None,
            'type': 'disk'
        None, None)

# Wait for the instance to be created, or error out. Use instance events to
# provide status updates during boot.
while i['state'] not in ['created', 'error']:
    events = sf_client.get_instance_events(i['uuid'])
    print('Waiting for the instance to start: %s' % events[0]['message'])
    i = sf_client.get_instance(i['uuid'])

# Check the instance is created correctly
if i['state'] != 'created':
    print('Instance is not in a created state!')
print('Instance is created')

# Fetch and display interface details
ifaces = sf_client.get_instance_interfaces(i['uuid'])[0]
print(json.dumps(ifaces, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
$ python3
Waiting for the instance to start: Fetching required blob ffdfce7f-728e-4b76-83c2-304e252f98b1, 30% complete
Instance is created
        "floating": null,
        "instance_uuid": "d512e9f5-98d6-4c36-8520-33b6fc6de15f",
        "ipv4": "",
        "macaddr": "02:00:00:73:18:66",
        "metadata": {},
        "model": "virtio",
        "network_uuid": "6aaaf243-0406-41a1-aa13-5d79a0b8672d",
        "order": 0,
        "state": "created",
        "uuid": "b1981e81-b37a-4176-ba37-b61bc7208012",
        "version": 3

Floating network interfaces

Network interfaces by default have an address on the private IP range of the network they belong to. This is sufficient to access resources outside the Shaken Fist cluster, as long as the network has provide_nat enabled when created. However, a network interface is not accessible from outside the Shaken Fist cluster in this state.

To make a network interface accessible to clients outside the Shaken Fist cluster, you "float" the interface. This assigns an address from the cluster's floating network, which is then DNAT'ed to the private IP address of the interface. As an instance it is not possible to see your floating address from inside the instance, as the network address translation has already occurred when the packets reach the instance.

REST API calls
Python API client: float a network interface

A request to float an interface is an asynchronous operation, so we must make the request and then poll to learn our external address.

import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient
import time

sf_client = apiclient.Client()

iface = sf_client.get_interface('b1981e81-b37a-4176-ba37-b61bc7208012')
while not iface.get('floating'):
    iface = sf_client.get_interface('b1981e81-b37a-4176-ba37-b61bc7208012')

print('The interface is externally accessible at %s' % iface['floating'])
$ python3
The interface is externally accessible at
Python API client: defloat a network interface
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient
import time

sf_client = apiclient.Client()


All objects exposed by the REST API may have metadata associated with them. This metadata is for storing values that are of interest to the owner of the resources, not Shaken Fist. Shaken Fist does not attempt to interpret these values at all, with the exception of the instance affinity metadata values. The metadata store is in the form of a key value store, and a general introduction is available in the user guide.

REST API calls
Python API client: set metadata on an interface
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
sf_client.set_interface_metadata_item(img_uuid, 'foo', 'bar')
Python API client: get metadata for an interface
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
md = sf_client.get_interface_metadata(img_uuid)
print(json.dumps(md, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Python API client: delete metadata for an interface
import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient

sf_client = apiclient.Client()
sf_client.delete_interface_metadata_item(img_uuid, 'foo')