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Label (/label/)

Most interactions with labels will be to treat them as artifacts, which are documented elsewhere. However, there are a small number of label specific calls which are documented here. For a general introduction to labels, see the artifacts section of the user guide.

REST API calls
Python API client: update a label

A common pattern is to use generic upstream Shaken Fist images as source image, which you then customize and test. Once testing has passed you add the tested version of a label which tracks "blessed" production images.

import json
from shakenfist_client import apiclient
import time

sf_client = apiclient.Client()

# Download a copy of Debian 11 and wait for the download to complete
a = sf_client.get_artifact('debian:11')

while not a.get('blobs'):
    print('Waiting for first blob...')
    a = sf_client.get_artifact('debian:11')

blob_index = sorted(a['blobs'].keys())[-1]
blob_uuid = a['blobs'][blob_index]['uuid']

print('The most recent blob UUID is %s' % blob_uuid)

# Let's assume we've now tested this version and want to "bless" it as the
# version we trust for production workloads. We would then add that blob as the
# new version of our production label like this:
prod = sf_client.update_label('debian-11-production', blob_uuid)

print('The label artifact is now:')
print(json.dumps(prod, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
$ python3
The most recent blob UUID is ffdfce7f-728e-4b76-83c2-304e252f98b1

The label artifact is now:
    "artifact_type": "label",
    "blob_uuid": "ffdfce7f-728e-4b76-83c2-304e252f98b1",
    "blobs": {
        "1": {
            "depends_on": null,
            "instances": [
            "reference_count": 2,
            "size": 403007488,
            "uuid": "ffdfce7f-728e-4b76-83c2-304e252f98b1"
    "index": 1,
    "max_versions": 3,
    "metadata": {},
    "namespace": "system",
    "shared": false,
    "source_url": "sf://label/system/debian-11-production",
    "state": "created",
    "uuid": "c9428ea2-a3fa-40cf-9668-61be99bb370a",
    "version": 6